New arrivals either of the human kind or the animal world are guaranteed to bring an Ooh! Or Aah! from anyone the world over and at this time of the year you can see these tiny babies in the Wildlife Parks, Zoos and on ranger walks throughout Scotland - not the human kind I hasten to add. On a recent visit to the Highland Wildlife park at Kincraig where they have a conservation programme in place for endangered species they currently have a wealth of new arrivals.
The park currently has a large herd of European Bison and the calves are gorgeous bundles of fur very like Highland Cattle calves and just as cute. Lost from the wild since 1927 with the only surviving animals in zoos, the herd at Kincraig are currently part of the European breeding programme and some of their calves have been reintroduced into the wild. More babies are expected in the coming weeks.
One new baby is always exciting, but twins are adorable and in the case of the newest arrivals, Eurasian elk twins, born to Dad Bob and Mum Cas they are beginning to find their feet and stealing visitor’s hearts. Like all babies they are very wobbly to begin with, but soon find their feet and run alongside Mum. Elks are the largest of the deer species and can weigh up to 720kg with huge antlers covered in skin, known as ‘velvet’ which can reach 2 mtrs across and 30 kilograms in weight and are shed in the winter. They have long gangly legs and wide hooves for walking in snow and mud and are capable of running at 56 kilometres an hour. They are also very strong swimmers. European elk were around in Scotland up to around 900 AD. They are hunted for meat, leather and bone and have also been domesticated in Sweden for meat and milk. The future of the Elk is considered to be very secure.
Scottish Wildcats at the Park have recently produced kittens, but unfortunately they were not on view on my visit, however, Mum was in evidence taking a well earned nap on a branch. Females have 2 – 6 kittens but only stay within the family for around 5 months when they leave to set up their own territory. As meat eaters they spend hours just sleeping and digesting their food and can be found in some of the remotest areas of the Scottish Highlands. They are active at night and around dusk and dawn and are very good at keeping down pests such as rabbits and rodents. The wildcat is rarer than the Amur tiger and true wildcats are very hard to find as they so easily breed with feral cats and this is the greatest danger to the survival of the wildcat population. In view of their rarity they have been identified for targeted management action to ensure their future survival as a distinct native species.
The range of animals at the park is tremendous, with over 240 roaming the beautiful landscape. Snow Leopards, Deer of numerous varieties, Camels, Arctic Foxes, Owls, Wolves, Musk Ox, Lynx, Red Pandas, Vicuna, Wolverine, Yaks and Turkmenian Markhors can all be found wandering around this fantastic park in such a natural setting and many of them will be producing their own babies over the next few weeks, so do pop along and take a peek.
You can find out more about wildlife all over the Highlands and where you can see it, by visiting the dedicated 'Wildlife' pages on our website. If you want to visit the Highland Wildlife Park, our nearest B&Bs are Glengarry B&B and Slemish B&B in Kingussie
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